Simone Henken

Academy of Photography, Amsterdam 2000
UvA Psychology and Sociology, Amsterdam1995
Artez Zwolle, drama teacher 1984

* Photographer

* Drama and language education teacher.

* Photography teacher, for both MBO and HBO courses. Associated with the Academy voor Beeldcreatie from 2005 till 2018.

* Founder of Beeldvoorziening Foundation - 1986, guiding starting photographers and serious autodidacts in setting up their creative business.

* Founder and owner of Smart by Art - 2022. Organising creative art classes on inspiring locations to increase creativity and personal growths.



Remastered Art, Groene afslag in Laren 2023

Dutch Design Week in commision of Remasered Art. 2022

Gemeente Amsterdam. Campagnes en kookboek Amsterdam Aardgasvrij 2021

Stedelijk museum Amsterdam; familieproject You Are Art 2020

Uitvaartmuseum Amsterdam; De laatste aai 2020

Bedrijfsfotografie o.a.:

Genootschap Burgemeesters, Strausscoffee, JK Huidcoach, INNOO, Stichting voor Nederlandse, Pleeggezinnen, Jongeneel; portretten en produkten, Citypartners Amsterdam; jaarlijkse campagnes, IBT- productfotografie voor diverse merken thee, koffie en andere producten-, Agis, Nutrilon, Ondernemershuis Amsterdam Zuidoost, ‘Thuis’ interieurfotografie, SBAW Rotterdam, Stichting Maatwerk, Q&A Hilversum, RVD, Gemeente Amsterdam, Speakers Academie Rotterdam, Toolbar Hilversum.


Volkskrant, Vrij Nederland, New York Times, AD, Viva, Flair, Nouveau, Vrij Nederland, Telegraaf, BLV, NRC.

Movies and tv:

Kruimeltje, Pietje Bell 1 en 2, Kameleon 2, Left Luggage, 10 torens diep, Spagaat, ‘Denktank’, ‘5 op een rij’.

Theater photography:

De nationale Opera, Hoofdstad Operette, Theater Terra: Kleine Ezel, De Zevensprong, De Heideroosjes; videoclip. Fifi L'Amour', TOPS, cabaretgroep ‘Geen Familie’, Jenny Willemstijn, jazz zangeres Karin Vrijburg.


2019 / 01-2020 Grote Kerk Emmen - Zijn

2019/ 02-2020 Uitvaartmuseum Tot zover - De laatste aai.

2020 / 01 - 31 Parool Beeldrijm 

2017/2018 Coloron Haarlem, Right to decide

2014 nov/dec. Jong en veelbelovend Muziektheater Amsterdam/ boekpresentatie

2014 Jong en veelbelovend Stadsdeelkantoor Amsterdam Zuidoost 2013

2013 Aug/ sept Jong en veelbelovend; stadsdeelkantoor A’dam ZO.

2015 Amsterdam ZO Wonen i.o. van stadsdeel Zuidoost

2013 Amsterdam ZO Verliefd i.o van Stadsdeel Zuidoost

2012 Amsterdam ZO Sportief i.o. van Stadsdeel Zuidoost

2011 Vens(t)ertent 2011 Communityproject i.s.m. culturele instellingen in de Bijlmer

2010 Straattentoonstelling Helden van de F-buurt.

2010 Galerie ArtSite Haarlem. Nieuwe Meesters

2009 Thuis in Holland, Open Atelier Zuidoost 2009

2009 OBA zuidoost “Anansi”, groeiende tentoonstelling t/m oktober 2009

2009 Stadsdeelkantoor A’dam Zuidoost “Trots op Zuidoost”

2008 juni t/m december Stopera ‘Jongeren met Ambitie’ 25 portretten van leerlingen van de Kingmaschool en het Augustinuscollege.

2008 SBK zuidoost, Anansiproject i.s.m. Esther Sluiter.

2007 Art Olive

2006 Open Atelier Route Amsterdam. Jaarlijks.

2005 Gkf: jaartentoonstelling 2005 (reizende tentoonstelling)

2004 Zeeheldenbuurt Amsterdam i.s.m. Kunst in Werkelijkheid

2003 Galerie Bart kunstinhuis Nijmegen

‘2003 'Duister' in de Melkweg Amsterdam i.s.m. de Gkf

Artist statement

I followed various courses before completing my studies at the Photo Academy in Amsterdam. My theater background as a drama teacher and my psychology studies are reflected in the social themes that I address in my images and in the way they are shaped, in which light plays a very important role.

In a play there is a dramatic development, in a photo there is only 1 frame in which the story takes place. 1 film still, stripped of sound and movement. In my opinion, all picture elements must coincide into 1 whole. What does not contribute to the essence of the photo must be left out of the picture.

I devote myself to photographing people who are not used to posing in front of a camera. Their personality, environment, clothing and habits are the ingredients for an intriguing image. The photos do not have to be 'real' in a journalistic sense, but they must be 'true' in a narrative sense and form their own reality. Just as a theater scene is not 'real', it can show a deeper reality with great expressiveness. An effect that I also strive for in this photo series.

My images are often based on themes such as multicultural society, integration, family relationships, man in relation to his environment and budding adulthood.